Thursday, March 27, 2025

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Saturday, March 22, 2025


 This house. This type of house. It represented so much hope and optimism. A small, efficient home on a reasonable sized yard where you could raise a family. It's a little weather worn. A little rough around the corners. There's a lot less than a block away for sale. $2.5 million. The end is nigh. 




 Someone made a stencil. It was important that everyone who sucks, knows they suck. 


 Living his best life.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025




 I've taken lots of photographs of Ken Lum's East Van Cross. This one is a first for me. 

Sunday, March 16, 2025


Colour. Something about "Sustainable Vancouver Neighborhoods" and " New Housing Complexes..." or, "Land Assembly Opportunity." 

 But I want to keep the black and white theme going a bit longer. The first image deserved colour. 

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Thursday, March 13, 2025




 Lots of new monochrome cameras. Well, that might be an overstatement of fact. Pentax has released a new dedicated monochrome camera and Leica has released a gen 2 version of one of their monochrome cameras. I'm shooting raw. Converting to black and white. Apparently I'm doing it wrong. 

Oh, and Trump can fuck off. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2025


 Cars keep crashing into this hedge on the corner. The City of Vancouver has a solution. An orange pilon. This way drivers can see the hedge more clearly and avoid driving into it......




 Big cameras need a big handle. I've shot exactly one frame with this camera so far since getting it back. The cost per photo is pretty high. 


 Canucks vs Wild. The Wild played a better game but the Canucks won. It was a good game to see. 

Thursday, March 6, 2025


I have a bike. It's an All  City. It's relatively new. It's not a special bike though it wasn't that cheap. It wasn't that expensive either. Today the derailleur hanger broke. 

It's an aluminum bit of crap. Proprietary. I could buy one. Well, the bike company has gone defunct, but it was owned by a conglomerate of a bike company. They may make the part for a couple of years. I want to ride the bike for more than a couple of years and, apparently, the hangers last about a year. 

That screw in the previous photo? Broken as well. It's reverse thread. There's a YouTube video on how to remove it. Mine was broken. The one on the other side is bent. I had to cut it out. 

This is a circa 2001 Independent Fabrication Crown Jewel. Omaha orange. I rode it a bunch. Sold it. Bought it back for cheap only to find out there were rust holes through the tubes under the paint. Garbage. Thankfully I didn't pay much for it to get it back. I'm going to use that dropout to fix the All City. 

Cut. Machined. Dry fit. I don't have a picture of it here, but the hanger is cut out so that it brazes on in the x and y axis. Lots of overlap for stability. 

Brazed. Clean. Eyeballing it, it looks like it might not even need any alignment. This is good because as I matched the geometry of the old derailleur hanger, there wasn't much room for a lengthy hanger that could be bent straight easily. 

Paint it pink. Instead of hiding the flaws I choose to enhance them. This bike is better now than it was yesterday. 







Sunday, March 2, 2025


 Fuji is known for their film simulations. Most of them exist in PhotoShop and Lightroom. 


 L.A. Chicken is legendary. 


 A hike this morning. An afternoon at work with me. Mico was tired.


 Cell phones made pay phones obsolete. ApplePay may be making ATMs obsolete. 


 This is a great print.


 PechaKucha night in Vancouver. Bob Sung was there.



Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Friday, February 21, 2025



He can see the bird feeder from here. He's too old and slow to catch them, but he can dream...


4 Nations Cup. Go Canada. 


New painting. 
