I sold my friend a camera today and bought a new one, the one that I've been using for the last few days. The new camera is as close to a rangefinder camera you can buy today, without actually being dumb about it and buying some mediocre semblance of a romantic ideal that Helen Levitt would have thrown out in favour of a Costco point and shoot if she were given the options we have today. The camera I sold and the one I bought were pretty much equals, but I like the new one because it's clumsier though I will probably miss the old one because it's taken at least one entire series of pictures in the palm of my hand while this new one is slightly too big to accomplish the same thing.
My friend and I sat on a patio and ate some food, drank some beer, and took pictures of each other laughing. We were really laughing as honestly as anyone could laugh. Belly laughs, without modesty. And it felt good.