I've been thinking lately that I need to miss a day, I need to make sure I'm not taking pictures for this project because I feel the pressure to take pictures. I know I've done the year before and there were times in there that I felt there was a pressure to take a photograph when I sometimes just didn't feel like it. And there's been that feeling lately too, that I don't want to necessarily feel obligated to take a picture. It's kind of like when you get a new car, that first scratch is always the hardest and you'll hear stories about some guy who gets his new car and the first thing he does is purposely scratches it just to get it over with. I've done that with bikes, beautiful handmade bikes with perfect paint, they are such delicate things when they are in perfect condition but that betrays the spirit of what a bicycle is. I don't mean you should abuse these things but if you don't at the very least use them like they were intended then what's the use in having them? So that's what I want to do here, miss a day now so that it's not such a big deal if I do in the future. Get the idea of being not perfect out of the way now so it's just plain easier to keep moving forward with this.
Not taking a picture; that's how I felt this morning and then I looked out the window and saw the sun coming up like I do so many mornings and I took a picture. I also happened to look back at the first 365 days I did this and found that on
this day in 2007 I had done pretty much exactly the same thing. So even though I started out today with the idea that I wouldn't take a photograph the very first thing I did was take a photograph.