There should be more "trumpet" in bands. I was told this recently and it's probably true. This guy is in the band
Fond of Tigers who played at a somewhat underground venue in Vancouver today. They are really quite good and the location they played which is accessed through a loading dock in the alley of downtown Vancouver, well, it's one of the places that makes this city tolerable. Unfortunately this night ended with the Vancouver Police escorting the patrons outside. A relatively new thing that the Vancouver Police are doing is confiscating the money from these kinds of shows so Fond of Tigers lost a bunch of cash they couldn't really afford to lose. They've just spent three or four days in the studio recording and now they have to pay for the mixing etc. A small show like this makes all the difference in the world to the budget of an indy band. If you're so inclined go to their MySpace page, listen to their music, and if you like it maybe drop them a line and buy a CD. Every little bit helps.