Johann's old bike:
I promise to ride you in the rain, and in the sun, maybe a little drunk once in a while, with my iPod on listening to Joy Division, or just as likely Jimi Hendrix. Even though you're a road bike I'll take you off road once in a while, we all do things we shouldn't do once in a while, and I'll ride you to cute girls' houses, and to see bands play in back alley venues, and to watch hockey games in comfortable taverns with beer pitcher specials. There will be art gallery openings as well, and random meandering rides with a camera in my bag, there's no telling where those rides might take us. I've already bought you some bar tape and will get you some better brakes one day. I'm sorry I bought you white pedals but they were a better choice than the green translucent ones, and the wood grain print ones, and they do match your fenders. And if one day I decide to replace you I'll make sure you end up in the possession of someone who promises to do all these things with you and more.