There's an odd street in Vancouver's East Side where the trees are all twisted and covered in moss and it's really quite beautiful. The trees are Elms, and the streets on either side of this one are missing these trees. When you walk down 6th Ave (where these trees are) the locals have hung signs on the trees informing you that the City of Vancouver has slated 40 of these trees for removal. I can only hope it's because they are ill and it's being done to save the remaining trees but I fear it's because the odd limb detaches itself scratching the BMW belonging to the owner of one of the million dollar homes along this street. The notices on the trees put up by the residents who would prefer the trees remain make no mention of either scenario, but one would hope the protesters to be rational enough to understand the removal of dead or dying trees which is what makes me think it's the residents with fancy cars encouraging their removal.