Friday, July 22, 2022


 No picture. Well, there is one. But, you know.... Maybe I'll post it when I'm back. Oh yeah; I'm going away for a bit. Updates will be slow, or non-existent for a week or two. It'll be worth it. Probably. Maybe. 


 Time and space travel. There's some allegory to this juxtaposition of images that I can't quite nail down the poetry of in words. But I find it intriguing. 


 Diptych. I've never done such a thing before. Not in this medium. In the basement of one of our buildings I found this. I unlocked the darkened room to find a monolith with an encased and lit object. Simply Red. Someone had too much time on their hands to set this up. And I am forever grateful. Art is where you find it. 


When you own a vehicle you notice other iterations of your vehicle. I own one of these. This one isn't mine. Mine has another door on the driver's side for the back seat. Mine also sits a bit higher and doesn't have the slick BBS wheels that Mazda seemed to be getting a discount on in the early to mid 90s. I did own a Miata from 93 with those wheels. Maybe this is a 93 too. Mine is a 96. Old. Antique. Best car I've ever owned. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Sunday, July 17, 2022


 Development application approved. 




 ADHD vandilism. At least we know who did it....



Monday, July 4, 2022


 Over 10,000 photographs. Over 600 "good" ones. 9 days. I'm exhausted. 

Cat Toren's Humankind


 Great Aunt Ida

Sunday, July 3, 2022