Tuesday, February 18, 2025


 All the happiness......




 Carolina Pen Company. I ordered this before Trump was President because the Carolina Pen Company was taking some flack online for donating money to an LGBTQ+ cause in the USA. We're not supposed to be buying stuff from American now that Trump is threatening to invade my country, but I liked CPC for publicly supporting LGBTQ people and figured that probably made him decidedly anti-Trump. So I bought a pen. It's a lovely thing. 

Plus, it kind of feels like he's an ally

Monday, February 10, 2025


 Philly Cheesesteaks. Super Bowl. Philly won. We had delicious sandwiches. 


 In the last twenty years, when playing against the Canucks in Vancouver, the Toronto Maple Leafs have only won twice. They lost tonight. You can't make this up. It's statistically VERY unlikely to lose that many games over that many years. The Leafs continue to amaze. 




 There's a plan to make Philly Cheesesteaks this weekend. A good sandwich deserves the perfect bread. The perfect bread requires practice. Today was round one. More water in the mix next time. A little less olive oil brushed on before baking. Five minutes less in the oven maybe. They were still pretty good, but they could be better. 
