Monday, December 21, 2009


A picture of a picture of a picture. Or something like that. Something similar was done in Calgary, a billboard was rented in the shadow of the city and posted on the billboard was a photograph of the skyline of the city. The absurdity of this is obvious when realizing the scale of the actual skyline in the background was larger than the representation of it in the foreground. Or that scene in Ocean's Eleven (or Twelve?) (assuming everyone has my penchant for Hollywood blockbusters themed on robberies and pilferings) when Don Cheadle's character is seen watching the demolition of a casino on the television as the actual casino can be seen falling through the window behind him. There's something to these distortions of time and space that I find intriguing. I don't quite understand it, though I suppose if I understood it then it wouldn't be as intriguing.

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