I could hear the roar coming from behind. When I looked I could barely see it, a dot in the sky. I thought for sure I was looking at a bird and the roar was from a jet plane flying above the clouds but the sound was too loud and the bird growing larger too fast. I realized then that it was a rocket ship. An alien rocket ship. My heart raced. You see it in the tabloids, you hear about it on the internet, and you always think them absurd stories, but there it was, right in front of me and approaching rapidly. I knew I had a camera in my bag and I fumbled for it knowing this would be the picture that would change the way the world thought about UFOs. But it was coming quickly, and my camera seemed to find the deepest darkest corner of my bag, and when I got it out the power button failed to coax it to life the first time I tried it. When the camera finally turned on the rocket was very close but I managed to get a shot of it as it raced by. It's true.