Monday, August 9, 2010


There are canals in Ontario near St Catherines and if you're driving along from just the right angle at the right time you'll see tanker ships that appear to be sailing through the fields where they have no right to be. Landscapes are familiar things and when things interfere with them they seem so absurd. With all the fires in BC there's been a lot of haze in the air and for an afternoon the mountains on the North Shore disappeared. A good friend of mine with a stellar view of the shore from her apartment at the top of the Main Street hill took a photograph of it and the Vancouver skyline looked downright spooky without the mountains as a backdrop. I had been to New York once before the World Trade Centers came down and once after but the skyline wasn't an old friend of mine so I had to rely on the emotions expressed by others about how odd it felt to have the towers missing from the skyline.

I ride across the Georgia viaduct on a fairly regular occasion and it felt odd to have circus tents popping up into the landscape like a new mountain range or giant yellow and blue striped ships sailing where there was no water.

Not sure where I was going with that.

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