Friday, March 23, 2012


The picture was probably enough. But down there in the lower right hand corner was one of those QR codes. It's about the first time I've, with genuine interest, retrieved my "smart" phone and scanned the little code in the corner to learn more about what was going on. I was pleasantly surprised that the image was the commodity. So often the image is used to sell something and so rarely is the image used to sell the image. I haven't had much time to explore the words on that web page, I'll admit I've been persuaded by the glossiness of it all, and maybe that's enough. Pretty pictures. Maybe I won't read the words for fear of disappointment. It's always a shame when the book doesn't stand up to the cover. Regardless, the phone came out of my pocket and I scanned and there it was, 21st Century technology showing me something I love; beautiful photographs. There's nothing wrong with that. Right? Right?

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