Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I've been riding my mountain bike a lot lately. This was the fifth time in seven days. And that bike is 18 years old. I took an almost identical photo a few days ago, but this one is slightly different because it's the last one. That little path that seems to end about eight feet from where the bike is, well, it points pretty much straight down. I've ridden that dip three times recently, this was to be the fourth. This time I managed about half the drop before hitting a small rock in just a way that caused my front rim to collapse under me. As I was going over the handlebars I was thinking I screwed up the line but the reality is more likely that my 15 year old front rim was designed for the lighter rider I used to be when I built it and that it was just tired of having the crap being beat out of it and gave up the ghost. It was a short hike out. I bought a new rim that afternoon and some spokes to go with it and rebuilt the wheel. I could ride it tomorrow. I might just.

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