Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Kodak TMAX 100

Another roll has been loaded. More film being exposed. Another update soon-ish. I'd like to shoot some colour film. Maybe after this next roll of TMAX100 I'll shoot some colour film. Maybe.



There's a sign in front of this house announcing its future demolition to make way for seven or eight stories of condos. I'd like to think that knocking the fence down one section at a time is a sympathetic way of erasing yet another part of the neighborhood.

I mean, the debate about ripping off the bandaid quickly or slowly has never been definitively answered, maybe so slow you don't notice it happening is the right approach?






Blue skies, in black and white.


Kodak TMAX 100, for a few days, and then a few more days.


Monday, May 7, 2018


I just spent 3 days putting this roof on. There was more to it, rotton wood, and stuff. The shadow of the tree looms, a reminder of what it was that ate the old roof. This is my first shingled roof. It made my joints ache, but I think I won. I guess I won't know for at least 10 years, or the first rain, I suppose, will be a good judge of my efforts.

I'm going to shoot film again. The days are longer now, film friendly light is a common commodity well into the evenings. Sporadic updates will likely be the result. But hopefully the realignment of efforts will result in photographs not of roofs, and sunsets.


Long days. I noticed it was a day just as it was ending.


Oscar. Spring is here, and it feels like summer.


St Lawrence restaurant in Vancouver.

Thursday, May 3, 2018


Insured. First ride this year. Felt good.



Spring. And bike rides.