Saturday, May 11, 2024


 This fridge lived in my bike shop for a bunch of years. It's spent a bunch of years more in my garage waiting for its next role in life. Nostalgia is a powerful drug. It's time to let go of this relic of a bygone era. A good photograph is all I need. I don't need the "thing" anymore. So I rolled it out into the alley with a "FREE - Works" sign taped to it. Will someone take it? No idea. If it's still there in 2 days it will get recycled. 


 Beth and Ben. 




 Steve Albini died today. Heart attack. 61 years old. The world is a shittier place without Steve Albini in it. Steve is in the black t-shirt

His opinion on being in bands, and producing albums, is legendary. He produced a generation of records that changed music. 

He will be missed. He is irreplaceable. 


 Views from a bridge.





Friday, May 3, 2024