Thursday, November 10, 2016


Leonard Cohen died yesterday though the news didn't report it until today. It got me listening to music. Dead people. David Bowie. Jason Molina. And Leonard Cohen.

Some time after I returned to the world of vinyl I bought a pair of needles (what's the plural of "stylus"?), to replace an undoubtedly older worn one, and to have a spare in case I wore the second one out. That was 2013. Apparently a stylus is good for about 500 hours of music. I've easily tripled that, maybe quadrupled that. Maybe 5-tupled it (pentupled?) It hit me as I had a quiet moment with a record and a volume knob and I swapped out the stylus for the new one. And the sound got so much better.

So. Much. Better.

I ordered two more styluses (styli?) tonight. Some millions of dollars later conveniently put on a credit card and they will ship to me by the end of next week, or the following week for sure. Probably.

Good night Mr. Cohen. The vinyl release of your newest record was held up and not quite available yet, but when it is I'll be ready.

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