Sunday, August 31, 2014


In the winter there are lots of photos of dark spaces lit with lamps or rainy streets. When the days are only 5 hours long (artistic license, yes) it's sometimes hard to find moments lit by the sun to capture photographs of. Today wasn't that short but it was full. I'm going to fill my garage with electricity, plugs that work, a 240V circuit to run my compressor, lights that work on a switch instead of a power bar, all powered by a 60 amp sub panel instead of a faded orange extension cord strewn across the back yard. Civilized. I spent a good part of the day shuffling the flotsam and jetsam of life around in a small garage to make space for wires and outlet boxes. I helped fix a bike shifter too, and I might have found my next couch this morning. I guess what I'm saying is today filled up rather quickly, as most days do, with chores. I find myself contemplating the deck chairs of my life, and where I might put them. It seems an impossible task, but I dream of seats placed just so, or at the very least, a functioning light switch. Tomorrow I run the big wire. One more chair placed just so.

I like where this light is, the one in the photograph. It's been there for a while. It should be there for a while yet.

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