Sunday, August 31, 2014


Last day of summer. Or similar enough, September starts tomorrow. I made my kid breakfast, close enough to lunch that it was lunch as well, and then started digging a trench in my back yard for the largest chunk of teck cable I've ever had to carry. It was, best guess, 80 pounds. It was long enough to reach from my house to my garage with a couple of twists and turns to go underground and around fences and such. I had good help from better friends who worked for beer and pizza, a bit of sweat, I bled for a bit when I jabbed my knuckles with a knife, another scar I suppose, my knuckles wear them proudly. There was a moment when I felt like hitting something because the wire I "found" was 12 gauge and not 14 gauge like I thought it was and it wouldn't fit into the quick connect ports on the back of the switch or outlet. There's now a main panel and a sub panel, room to plug in a 240V compressor that has 5 year old air in it from Calgary.

The first circuit was to an outlet that will run my milling machine and a light so I can see if my milling machine is doing what I've asked it to do. This photo is of that switch. It's not a glamorous photo, but it took 5 years to take.

I'm exhausted. I'm going to bed. But I'm happy that I can walk out to my garage and turn a light on. Small things.

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