Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Yesterday there was electricity in the garage. Today there's outlets, and a switch that works lights. You can see what the electrical was like before with that outlet on the right of the frame. Every original outlet in the garage was the same way, lacking covers and hanging from bent, rusty nails that were never pounded in the whole way. The garage has been without power since the service to the house was upgraded 5 years ago. I mean, there's been the same orange faded to yellow extension cord running through the back yard for those five years that powered a handful of compact fluorescent bulbs in fixtures hanging from drywall screws in the rafters, but at least that miserable excuse for a circuit was grounded and running through a GFI outlet at the house.

The electrical in the entire house was pretty scary when we took it over. Nothing was grounded and many circuits were connected in coverless junction boxes in the drop ceiling of the basement. There's been so many challenges in getting this house to a livable state, never mind the garage.

Long days. But it's nice that there's rewards.

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