Sunday, March 8, 2015


I bought a 20mm lens off craigslist and it didn't work. I checked it but not thoroughly enough. I called the guy who sold it to me and he said I must have dropped it. I didn't. It was broken.

I spent the better part of last night taking it apart to fix it. The aperture blades were sticking. There was a whole lot of really small screws but I managed to not lose any of them and used them all to put it back together too.

I've been feeling like black and white photos recently, so I would have converted these anyway, but the lens still has some colour fringing and isn't super sharp. But it was $200, which is what it was worth if it worked. Broken they aren't worth fixing, unless you've already spent $200 on a lens that you can't use. So maybe I start filling a jar with change and, because of loonies and toonies, maybe I'll have a better 20mm prime by the fall. Though I'm getting picky about these things, it may take a lot of loonies and toonies because Zeiss is German for "expensive" and no one else seems to understand my desire to own a quality 20mm prime.

Maybe it's me.

It's probably me.

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