Sunday, December 21, 2008


There's a tailor on Broadway Ave. east of Main Street where I've noticed he'll put on display at the end of each day whatever project it is he's been working on. There's a crude light set up and the blinds get partially drawn to hide the actual work space but the partially completed project is always there in the window with a light on it. There was a time when I dreamed of having a small shop with a bike welding facility in the back, not really a retail shop in front but some commercial base where I could put the most recent projects in the window, completed or otherwise which is why I find this image so appealing.

I like that whoever this tailor is he is proud of his work and the daily presentation of what he's been up to that day is heartwarming, the careful placement under an improvised light shows his pride in what he does. Not enough people care about what they do anymore but I will always slow down a bit when I'm riding my bike home along Broadway and see what's in the window.

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